Yelets Local History Museum

Yelets Local History MuseumThe museum has been situated in building № 99 Lenin Street since 1931. Before the Revolution, the house belonged to the merchant of the first guild and the manufacturer A.N. Zausailov. It is an old brick mansion of the 19th century which housed many different Soviet organizations and institutions after the Revolution: 1918-1919 — Sovnarhoz; 1920 — Uezdny Ispolkom.

In autumn 1941, when there was a menace of Hitler’s army intervention, the stocks of the museum were evacuated. In April 1941 in this building there were the headquarters of the 220th infantry division, which in the years of the Great Patriotic War went to Konigsberg and Prague>; that division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Suvorov’s Order of the II rank and honored to be named «Orshanskaya». A memorial tablet in their honor hangs on the front of the building.

At the end of April 1944 the Local History Museum began to work again. Today this institution includes 6 museums which are situated in the town.

Address: 399770, Russia Yelets, Lenin street, 99

phone: +7 (47467) 4-17-74

web site:


GPS: 52.627180, 38.498514

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